Комплексная поддержка и продвижение интернет-проектов.
+375 44 482 1836

— How much does it cost to acquire a new customer??

— How much money will they spend?

— How many times will they return?

— Which banner gets more clicks — the one with a kitten or the one with a raccoon?

— Is it true that the conversion rate for purchases in the morning in Milan is three times higher than in the evening in Rome?

— And who has a higher conversion rate — young, not-so-wealthy men or elderly, unmarried women?…

There is no end to such questions for both the business owner and the advertising analyst.

Thanks to properly configured modern analytics systems, it is possible to provide answers to these questions.

«Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don’t know which half.«

John Wanamaker. Legendary American merchant, the father of modern advertising.

Web analytics


Most of the data collection tasks can be solved with a properly configured combination of Google Tag Manager, Y.Metrica and Google Analytics systems.


Setting up data transfer to e-commerce systems, such as GA4 Ecommerce, is necessary for solving product advertising analytics tasks.


At the same time, most businesses are more interested in deals and sales, not just leads. This is where cross-channel analytics systems come to our aid. They allow us to account for even those actions that a visitor did not perform on the website.

For example, on a property developer’s website, we would be able to see the conversion rate not just for filling out a request form, but for actual apartment sales.

Call tracking

shows which advertising sources lead to customer calls

An important web analytics tool is call tracking. The system works in such a way that each website visitor is shown a unique phone number, allowing you to link the visitor and their call. Implementing this relatively simple technology can significantly increase the effectiveness of advertising on websites where the phone remains the primary method of contact.

Customer analytics

The goal of customer analytics is to retain and develop the target audience. To achieve this, we implement convenient tools based on modern CRM systems for working with customer databases.


Knowing your customer helps make informed management decisions and scale your business. Segmenting the customer base allows for the use of triggered mailings and targeted advertising for specific audience segments.

As a result, we increase the number of sales, boost customer loyalty, and reduce advertising expenses.

The installation and configuration of web analytics systems usually occur either when a new website is launched or before the start of an advertising campaign.


The setup of customer analytics systems takes place during the implementation of a new CRM or when working with remarketing and triggered mailings.

We offer a small, free audit of your web project. We’ll discuss the current situation, the main KPIs, and which analytics tools can maximize the return on your advertising investments.

Let's launch your project!

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